Core Traffic Records Data
Crash Data
The Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) website allows users to view Annual Summary Reports, create queries using the CRIS Query Tool, submit a request for publicly available data, or download extract files of large data sets.
Law enforcement agencies using TxDOT’s CRASH website for crash report submission may also receive free access to MicroStrategy, which is a business intelligence tool to analyze crash data. Information on MicroStrategy training can be found here, and information on which pre-made canned reports are available can be found here.
Vehicle Data
Users can submit a request for vehicle data through the Texas Department of Motor Vehicle’s (TxDMV) website. Note, there is a fee depending on the number of records requested.
Driver Data
Public data request forms can be found on the Texas Department of Public Safety’s (TxDPS) website. Additional aggregated public driver license data can be found here.
Roadway Data
The roadway inventory can be accessed on TxDOT’s website.
Citation Data
Online data requests can be found on TxDPS’ website. DPS also publishes de-identified traffic stop data which can be downloaded by month and analyzed.
Texas law enforcement agencies may contact DPS’ Highway Safety Operations Center (HSOC) for data requests. Law Enforcement will need to fill complete this form when making a request.
Injury Surveillance
Publicly available data can be accessed on Department of State Health Services’ (DSHS) website.
Related Traffic Records Data and Tools
Census Data
The Census has information related to population characteristics.
Center for Disease Control (CD)
The CDC WONDER online database can be searched for traffic related fatalities and injuries, along with many other public health related topics.
Excel Tool for Searching Crash Narratives
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) has developed a tool for searching crash records. While the information contained in this report is specific to agricultural related crashes, the methodology and Excel tool spreadsheet can be applied to any topic.
Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
FARS has nationwide data on traffic fatalities. Users can run queries to analyze the data.
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Resources
The STEP resources page contains interactive maps, crash data, and useful information for law enforcement regarding the STEP program.
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC)
TABC’s website allows users to create queries to obtain data on active and inactive licenses.
Texas Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Exchange
TxDOT is cooperating with other regional and local agencies in Texas to maintain a statewide exchange of bicycle and pedestrian counts.
Texas Demographic Center
The Texas Demographic Center has information related specifically to Texas population and demographics.
Texas Impaired Driving Task Force
The Texas Impaired Driving Task Force website offers links to numerous resources, including infographics, interactive tools, fact sheets, and more related to impaired driving.
Additionally, the Texas Impaired Driving Task Force offers technical assistance including pulling crash data and creating infographics for topics related to impaired driving in Texas. Please contact Christine Adams ([email protected]) for more information.
Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)
In addition to the SHSP and the SHSP Strategies, Countermeasures, and Action Plans, the website offers data on the seven emphasis areas (Distracted Driving, Intersection Safety, Pedestrian Safety, Impaired Driving, Older Road Users, Speeding, and Roadway and Lane Departures).