Technical Advisory Committee
The TRCC is looking to stand-up a technical advisory committee. The Technical Advisory Committee will be made up of traffic records stakeholders at the “ground level” and will advise the Executive TRCC on ideas to improve traffic records in Texas and provide technical expertise when implementing new projects.
Currently, each database represented by the TRCC is its own stage of development and being developed independently from the others. The TRCC’s ultimate goal is to have them interconnect to leverage the value of the data they contain. Some of this has already happened with the more mature databases like EMS/Trauma and CRIS.
As we continue to move toward complete integration, we want to hear from the spectrum of users and stakeholders outside the TRCC about what is important to them and what we should be focusing on with future projects funded by the TRCC. Is it local access to the data, or timeliness? What connections would be beneficial to you and your agency?
The users and stakeholders committee we are seeking to form the Technical Advisory Committee will help influence what types of projects and functionality we build into the databases and the nexuses that connect them.
The Technical Advisory Committee is open to law enforcement, EMS, analysts, engineers, researchers, persons who process driver license and vehicle registrations, and anyone else involved in traffic records.
The Technical Advisory Committee will meet twice a year. The location will rotate around the state to engage as many stakeholders as possible. Webinar will be provided for members who cannot attend in-person.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Eva Shipp at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute.
Intersection Database Development Subcommittee
Currently, Texas’ roadway data does not contain information on intersections. This subcommittee will provide guidance on the development of an intersection database, including the definition of an intersection, what elements will be in the database, how it will be built and maintained, and performance measures for its use. This subcommittee is primarily for engineers, researchers, and other people who are likely to use intersection data.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Eva Shipp at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute